This event is designed to strengthen and encourage Christians towards being more healthy, productive, and effective within the life of the Church and the broader life of our secular society.

Session 1

“Navigating the Socio-Political Currents” How should Christians engage in the world of politics? Or should they at all? Unless you never interact with others, at some level, everyone is political because we’re all part of society. Your politics may include how you influence friends and family, or they might be how you speed up or slow down the economy, or which charities you invest in and volunteer with, or all of the above. Your political footprint is also comprised of if, when, and how you vote and whether or how you endorse contenders for leadership at any level. Since we are all, to some degree, political, this session will address how our Christian identity should affect our political impact.

Session 2

“Avoiding the Rip Current (Don’t Drown in A Ministry)” If you’ve ever joined up with a long-running ministry program or been super jazzed to start up something new, you know how it can be. You start out with gusto and plenty of energy to spare, then you settle in to a familiar routine that runs in cycles (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly), and then if you aren’t careful, you realize your battery is wearing out. But you can’t just quit. Or can you? It was inevitable that you’d get to this point. Or was it? And you shouldn’t leave until you’ve passed the baton to someone else. Or should you? This session will give some explanation and advice to help you serve in a healthy and sustainable way.

Session 3

“Swimming in Deep Waters” When you became a Christian, you became a theologian whether you knew it or not. And whether you wanted to or not. After all, shouldn’t you know as much as possible about the Person by whose name you call yourself? The Person who has transformed your very being into something new? The Person by whom you’ve been tasked to go and teach all that He’s commanded? Yes, you should. And if you need some encouragement to increase your grasp of theology and doctrine and to do so to the utmost of your ability, then this session is for you. It’s a daunting subject, but you can do it, and this session is a great place to begin.